Friday, March 25, 2011


I thought nothing of this simple storage which I had altered  a couple of years ago until a crafting pal commented on it and asked how I made them.

I wanted to store 12 x 12 paper on my expedit shelves without going to too much expense. I had bought a couple of packs of these magazine holders from Ikea to hold my A4 papers. They were very reasonable. I think I paid one pound sterling at the time.  Now they cost 1.69 euro for 5. Still amazing  value !
To start with I cut out the front of one and the back of another.

I used some sticky tape to hold the inside flaps closed. I then fit one into the other and used a pack of 12 x 12 pattern paper to decide on the length. I discarded the small piece and the cut off the flap from the longer piece.

 The long piece I put inside to reinforce the base.

I made these at the time as a temporary storage. Over two years later I am still using them and they do the job just fine.

1 comment:

  1. Just the post I was looking for!! Away to get some of those in ikea today.


Thank you so much for your kind comment.


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